Monday, June 20, 2011

Nineteen on the 19th

On June 20, Robert and I will celebrate our nInEtEeNtH wedding anniversary. That's unbelievable to me. It doesn't seem like it's been that long. So, in honor of our anniversary, I thought I'd list 19 things I love about Robert on our 19th anniversary. (In no particular order...)

1. He does the laundry.
2. He makes me laugh every day.
3. He's quick to forgive.
4. He's a terrific father.
5. He has a very strong faith.
6. He's a hugger. He's not afraid to show affection to his family.
7. His brain is full of true, but totally weird, facts and/or trivia. We
refer to him as the Professor of Interesting Stuff...
8. He lets me think I'm right even when we both know I'm not.
9. He's a family man. He talks to his parents every day.
10. He takes me shopping and never complains when I spend hours in a store
and then walk out with nothing.
11. Did I mention he does the laundry?
12. He eats whatever I cook and says it's delicious even when it's terrible.
13. We never run out of things to talk about.
14. He's never met a stranger and tries to make everyone feel comfortable.
15. He works hard to provide for us.
16. He fills my car up with gas. Every week.
17. ThE lAuNdRy!!
18. He always gives his best in whatever he does.
19. He's a great bible teacher.

And last of all - and most important - he is my "best frand". I would rather spend time with him than anyone else in the world.

Happy Anniversary, Robert! I'm looking forward to a few days alone with just us.

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