Monday, February 4, 2013

Eighteen Things on Your 18th


Dear Nick,

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THIS BABY?!  There is a mother who needs him back, if only for a few hours.  Sometimes her arms ache for him.  To hold him one more time.  To mother him a little better.  To tell him she's learned so much over the years, and that if she could, she would do so many things differently.  She wants him to know how loved he is, how precious his very breath is against her cheek.  She wants a few more full-on mouth kisses and chubby-armed hugs.  She needs a few more cuddles and a sweet voice that whispers, "Wet's talk about sings (things)..."

Instead, she has this.


And she thinks her heart might burst out of her chest. 

A man stands where the baby once sat.  Tall and handsome, he has a heart for the things of the Lord.  He's ethical, a hard worker.  Honest.  Strong. 

Did I mention super cute?  He looks like his mother you know...

Nick, the years have flown.  Yesterday I was holding you for the first time and today we are celebrating your 18th birthday.  In between those two dates have been years of living.  Joy and heartache and So. Much. Love.

You might get tired of hearing how proud we are of you - or we might not say it enough.  Either way, we are SO VERY PROUD of who you are.  I am thrilled and excited and scared and heartsick and sad and happy and one hundred other things at the thought of you leaving your childhood behind and turning toward your future.  You are beginning the rest of your life.  I could cry and laugh all at the same time.

And I'm sure it comes as no surprise to you that I have a few things I want to share with you.  Things I think are important for you to know.

I know.  I KNOW.  Another lecture.  I'm sorry - I can't help myself!!  I have them narrowed down to 18.  In honor of your birthday.  And they are in no particular order...

Eighteen on Your 18th

1.  Make your bed.  Every day.  It will make you feel productive and start your day off right.

2.  Follow the Lord.  He loves you and has a plan for your life.  It isn't complicated, either.  If you spend time with Him every day, and try your best to honor Him with your life, He will direct your steps.

3.  Be kind to someone every day.  It takes so little to speak a kind word.  Do it.  Make a mental note to speak goodness to someone.  You won't regret it.

4.  Invest in people, not things.  The world will tell you differently.  Don't listen.  People are important, things are not.  Make time for people you love.

5.  Look up.  Don't spend your days buried in your phone.  There is life happening around you.  Don't miss out on the living that's happening within arm's reach because you are too busy looking into a little rectangle.

6.  Forgive.  No one is perfect.  We are all human.  We will all let you down or not live up to your expectations.  Love us anyway.

7.  When you find something that you really, really like - buy two of them.  You won't be sorry.

8.  Marry a woman who believes in family.  Choose someone who has similar values as you.  An in-law can make or break a family.  Help your mother out on this.  I've got a lot of love stored up for my future daughter-in-law. 

9.  Give away ten percent of your money, save at least ten percent of your money, and spend the heck out of the rest of it.  Have fun, but don't worship your money.  It does not and will never be able to buy you happiness and/or peace of mind.

10.  Make a bucket list.  Check at least one thing off of it every year.  Live with a sense of adventure.

11.  Do your personal best at everything you do.  This honors yourself, your family, and the Lord.  Even when no one is looking, do your best.  This is how you live a life with no regrets.

12.  Don't live life through a text.  Write a letter, leave a note, pick up the phone and call.  Speak voice to voice whenever you can.

13.  Have a quiet time every day.

14.  Be a leader, not a follower.  Don't just drift from person to person, idea to idea.  Know what you want and chart your course.  Don't worry if people think it doesn't make sense. 

15.  Don't worry your life away.  As Papaw loves to say, "Most of what I worry about isn't even any of my business anyway!"  Most of what we worry about in life we have no control over.  Let things like that go.  It is a waste of time and energy.  Papaw is right.

16.  Live - and love - intentionally.  Good lives don't just happen.  They are made.  Cultivated, planned for, prayed over, thought out.  Live in the moment and make the most of each day. 

17.  Put away what you get out.  It makes cleaning up so much easier!

18.  Laugh.  Hug.  Kiss.  Smile.  Compliment.  Pray.  Dance.  Be silly.  Appreciate.  Be grateful.  Be content.  Practice joy.  Spend time with your brothers.  Give.  Help others.  Count your blessings.

Oh - and don't forget to call your mother!  She loves you.  More than you can ever imagine.  I am praying for you every day, sweet boy. 

Now go live BIG.


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